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6 Reasons We’re Grateful for Veterinarians

6 Reasons We’re Grateful for Veterinarians

Pet parents know their pets are a part of the family. There’s no question, we feel deep love and devotion to our pets. Just like children need a great pediatrician, our pets need the best veterinary care we can give them. When you connect with a good veterinarian, you feel your pets are safe in […]

Bird Flu in Cats: Vet Perspective and Prevention Tips
Pet Health News

Bird Flu in Cats: Vet Perspective and Prevention Tips

Pet parents are growing more concerned about the risk of bird flu in cats after recent reports of cats contracting avian influenza A (H5N1) from contaminated food sources. In December 2024, one cat died from bird flu traced to raw cat food, while two others got sick after drinking unpasteurized milk from infected cows. Like […]

How to Look After Yourself While Raising a Puppy
New Dog

How to Look After Yourself While Raising a Puppy

The first few days of life with a new puppy can feel as blissed-out and joyful as falling in love, because that’s exactly what’s happening. Your new best friend just might be the cutest creature ever. But then reality sets in. Your puppy is a teething, pottying, zooming maniac that seems to consider you nothing […]

7 Cold Weather Tips for Pets

7 Cold Weather Tips for Pets

One of my favorite childhood memories is seeing my ebullient Yellow Labrador leap through the snow like a dolphin while taking big chunks of snow into his mouth, as if feasting on a giant snow cone. My dog certainly had fun in the snow, but cold weather can also be hazardous for both dogs and […]

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